Friday, October 2, 2015


So, my youtube account has been like hacked or some shit because I do not remember uploading this, perhaps I got high or something and recorded it last night. However, me from yesterday evening is not half-wrong, I'm not sure where to go with my screenplay as I want a twist that'll grab the hypothetical audience. I've never heard of Sunsetters, but I guess I must have that CD somewhere, either that or I was just youtubing it like the little saver that I am.

I'm actually more upset that my lets play of Mario 64 is gone, because I actually don't have that save anymore.

Her, eh, I mean my tone is sort of odd tho, it's like I'm dictating this or whatever.

What kind of stupid shit did I spew?
Cow train?

I must've been high. Either that or just let one of my friend's fear mongering get to me.

To be fair tho.
I'm cute.

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